Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! あけましておめでとうございます!

Here we go for a full year of Japanese. Take a look at where you are now. A year from now, as we move into 2017, you want to be able to took back and see how much progress you’ve made! One year from now, I will know more Japanese than I do today!

I don’t know about you, but my resolve to study over the holidays took a beating. I did study, but I didn’t get the kind of studying that I am used to or the kind of studying that I wanted. Rather than making progress the last week or so, I feel like I barely managed to hold on to where I was before the holidays.

I missed a day on Memrise, so my streak there ended, but I started a new streak just yesterday. As of today, my streak is one day! Well, it’ll be two days in a little while because, after I post this, I am going to study some vocabulary on Memrise and then print out the worksheets for Chapter 11 of Minna No Nihongo and then…

Did you slack off during the holidays?  Shrug it off and get back to it.

Have you been thinking about starting to learn Japanese?  Then let’s go.

Where will your Japanese level be at the beginning of next year?  Better.  Right?




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