What I Have Learned from Learning Japanese

I thought that yesterday would come down to a tug of war between the 自転車 and 日本語 – the bicycle and Japanese, and I had already made my decision.  The 自転車 would win if it came down to a contest, so I had a nice ride, thank you very much.  As it turns out, my wife was tired and went to bed early, so I also got all of my studying in.

Today, things are somewhat back to normal – I have already reviewed the Kanji and started in the vocabulary.  Good thing, too, since the rest of today looks to be very busy.

Now, here’s what I have learned from learning Japanese, other than some Japanese, of course.  I have actually studied Japanese every single day since I started, perhaps a week shy of four months ago.  I made that commitment and have stuck to it.  I have learned that I can do that, and that is not an insignificant thing to know.

My constancy may be tested now that I am back riding my bike after several years of inconsistency and a lot of time spent not riding my bike, but I am feeling like I can make this work and do both.

Time will tell.


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